Discipleship Groups ([dGroups)exist to help people READ, UNDERSTAND, and APPLY the Bible to their lives, encountering God in a way that transforms.
[d]Groups consist of a small group of people of the same gender
who come together to form a community to challenge and encourage you in living out the Gospel.
Join a dGroup
In-Person Meetings
For in-person, look at our Map and search to find what [d]Groups are available in your area. Or check out our Group List to see which [d]Group might fit your schedule.
Once you select a group, simply request to join that group, and we’ll let the Facilitator know you’re interested. They’ll get back to you with the details for the upcoming session.
Facilitate a dGroup
How do I facilitate a dGroup?
The only absolute requirement for leading a Discipleship Group is that you be intentionally pursuing Christ. You do not need to be a master teacher or have all of the answers. If you can say, “Follow me; I’m pursuing Christ,” you have the tools you need to lead a Discipleship Group.
As a Discipleship Group facilitator, you set the tone for the group’s atmosphere. You are not lecturing students; you are cultivating an intimate, accountable relationship with friends and fellow followers of Christ.
Training takes place twice a year at The Faith Center in Tucker, Ga. where we will equip you with everything you need to be a disciple-maker.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Prestonbrown@Faithcenterinc.org or call 470-718-1899
A Heart for
I remember it like it was just yesterday. We had just celebrated two years of someone giving their life to Jesus at The Faith Praise and Worship Center (now known as The Faith center). The entire church was ecstatic and as a young pastor, I was overjoyed. People lingered around to express their heartfelt gratitude for God trusting us with something none of us have ever been a part of. That was unchurched people giving their life to Jesus every single week. As I got to the corner of Jimmy Carter at Chick-fil-A, I heard the Lord as clear as day say “put the balloons down…” I was puzzled and a little perplexed why the Lord would speak to me so harshly on such a joyous occasion. The next sentence is something that I have not been able to shake. He said, “I called you to make disciples.” I had to ask myself: although people were being introduced to Jesus at our church, were they following Him and growing in His disciplines? Fast forward several years as we transitioned to Berkmar High school and learned how to become a mobile church. People joined, attrition happened, we started growing rapidly, resources were raised, one big event lead to the next event and then three or four years have passed. We’ve then moved into our current facility and the process started all over again.
“You have to start developing leaders, growing as a leader, in addition to the necessary things that happen within your personal life that brings challenge and triumph.”
All of that to say, it had been eight or nine years and I still was not completely making disciples. It wasn’t until January 2020 when I paused in the middle of one of the most challenging times in our world to have an introspective look as a leader. I saw this big gaping hole in our congregation called discipleship. I sat in my room and repented to God for being so successful in other areas of life but not fulfilling this great commandment to the magnitude that I knew He had given me as a leader.
I spent many hours praying and seeking direction. Then, at a pivotal moment, the Lord led me to Jim Putman, one of the greatest discipleship strategists in the nation. After reading several manuals and books by him and Brandon, the light bulb came on. I had direction, my flame was fueled and the Lord began to give me a plan for The Faith Center.
Fast forward several months to me visiting a church campus just to check it out but not knowing the real reason I was there. It wasn’t to look at the amazing facility, it was to have a heartfelt conversation around discipleship with Pastor Shannon. I’m grateful to his team and his staff for allowing us to use their template as we forge ahead in this uncharted territory that I know the Lord is going to bless.
I sent this text to our elders about what the Lord said would happen in our church on Jan 26th at 4:54 pm:
“I’m eager to connect with you and believe God’s will be done in our hearts and lives for His glory. In my time of mediation, the Lord placed the number 1000 in my heart and I just can’t shake it. 1000 men will come out of this group. 1000 men connected to God, themselves, their families/communities, and their church. Discipleship will be a wildfire in our city that will burn with the power of the Holy Spirit. Write it down. Remember this day. Just know it will not tarry. Agree with me for a supernatural return on our unselfish investment into the lives of other men.”
This is a tool to help disciples make disciples. Since we focus on God and not ourselves, we have great confidence in knowing that His grace is greater than our abilities and/or experiences. No matter where you are in your walk with God, you can make disciples. This tool provides a method to do this. We don’t believe any one method in and of itself is the answer. And we never want to become complacent and simply do the method for the method’s sake; this is a guide and the Lord is the driver.
Some of you are starting this process at your early stages of Christianity and some of you are well experienced. We believe that no matter where you start, the destination will be growth in Christ Jesus.
We owe a tremendous amount of love and gratitude to Pastor Shannon and the Southern Hills Church. Without your heart of generosity, guidance, and Christlike servitude, I’m not sure how we would’ve been able to scale this mountain. You guys are awesome and we pray God‘s best over your church. We are grateful for what God has done and we are ecstatic about what’s happening in the groups. Let’s expand
Pastor Vincent Campbell
Senior Pastor – The Faith Center
For in-person, look at our Map and search to find what [d]Groups are available in your area. Or check out our Group List to see which [d]Group might fit your schedule.
Once you select a group, simply request to join that particular group in the portal, we’ll let the leader know you’re interested. They’ll get back to you with the details once you’re approved and join their [d]Group.
[d]Groups should be 12 to 15 people of the same gender. If there are just 5 people, it is easy for one person to dominate the conversation. When you have 12 to 15, if someone has to miss a session, you still have enough people to meet and have good discussion. Groups larger than 15 will find it difficult to fit everything in to the time constraint and some participants may be hesitant to share in a group this size or find it difficult “to get a word in.”
What’s the difference between a Connect Group and a [d]Group
Connect Groups are a great way to be connected in Biblical Community and they are how we do life together. Connect Groups provide us with people in our lives who we can share life, care for each other. [d]Groups provide a more intimate group to grow deeper in your faith and have a deeper level of accountability. Connect Groups and [d]Groups dont compete with each other, they compliment each other.
Who Can Join a dGroup?
Anyone who wants to know more about God, understand the Bible, thrive in a community of believers, and grow in their spiritual walk can join a Dgroup.
Why Should I Join a dGroup
It helps build character through mutual accountability and building each other up.
Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
What Can I Expect?
To know God more personally so you can serve Him more faithfully.
dGroup is a spiritual family where people support, encourage, and pray for each other.

Stay Connected
Search "TFC Atlanta" in your app store & download The Faith Center app to stay connected on the go through live stream or our free library of online messages. Watch, share and interact with us on social media. Be sure to follow us for the latest on upcoming services and events. We’d love to connect with you!